Wild about brassica- how to identify and eat wild turnip and wild mustard in Australia

Wild brassicas are everywhere, one of the most widespread weeds in the world. They are also edible and the wild counterpart of modern vegetables. Eat your weeds!

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Purslane, the summer edible weed that gives so much

Some plants are just misunderstood. We think of them as a nuisance, growing out of the cracks in our pathways and becoming the curse of our perfect patios. And yet some pesky weeds are actually edible, nutritious and a much-celebrated food in many cultures. There’s no better example than purslane - Portulaca oleracea - a common edible weed that’s about to invade your garden over the coming months.

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Wild lettuce as food and pain relief: how to identify it in your garden.

Wild lettuce is regarded as the wild counterpart of the commercial lettuce you can buy at the supermarket. Although it is far more bitter than cultivated lettuce, it has greater nutritional and medicinal qualities.

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Nettle: versatile plant and delicious ingredient.

An Aboriginal friend of mine taught me a great camping hack with nettle. You collect the plant, stalk and all (use gloves or a rolled-up shirt) and place the branches on stones near a fire. They will cook in the heat, neutralising the sting and turning into excellent nettle chips. All you need is nettle, fire, and salt.

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How to forage and cook rambling dock, the edible weed.

Rambling dock (AKA Turkey rhubarb) is a common weed on the east coast of Australia. It is also edible and yummy.

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