Fat hen is a versatile wild plant, it can be used as food in many recipes, it has medicinal properties, and its young shoots can be used to create green dye. The crushed fresh roots can be used as a substitute for soap.
Read MoreTo all the people who love some spice in their lives, this one is for you. Beach mustard is a wild green that commonly grows on sand dunes and beaches in most of the coastal areas of Australia. This wild plant has a remarkable spicy-salty taste and is easy to spot due to its resemblance to a succulent rocket plant.
Read MoreAn Aboriginal friend of mine taught me a great camping hack with nettle. You collect the plant, stalk and all (use gloves or a rolled-up shirt) and place the branches on stones near a fire. They will cook in the heat, neutralising the sting and turning into excellent nettle chips. All you need is nettle, fire, and salt.
Read MoreHow to tell a dandelion and a sowthistle apart? Eat them both!
Sowthistle is an amazing ad celebrated plant food all over the world, including Australia.