This is when we go out, we forage, we prepare and eat with Amy
The latest episode of Pickles Magazine focus on foraging and ask the question, what is the future of food?
Watch the video to find out>
And this is what Amy had to say about the expirience:
I first met Diego Bonetto at a local cafe in Enmore and we sat, drank and spoke about wild plants and even wilder stories - I’ve never heard someone talk so passionately about what plants mean to us and our environment. He blew my mind.
Diego’s mission is to change the way we think about plants; especially the one’s growing underneath our feet. Through his Wild Food Map project he wants to help the community reconnect with the land and re-discover what used to be common knowledge.
In this episode of PICKLES, Diego introduces us to urban foraging, talks about the power of weeds and shows us how to make a salad out of it!
If you’ve ever thought about foraging for wild foods, this may just be the thing to get you started. You'll never look at your backyard the same way…